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Topics that virtually everyone has thought about; whether they make you chuckle or they turn your stomach, they exist.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Good Will in a Time of Need

            In today’s world every penny counts.  With the poor economy it becomes harder and harder to find true benefactors, but lately it seems to be becoming a trend to help those in need. 
Today, the late Johnny Carson was on my homepage due to a generous contribution to charity.  Last week, I read about Warren Buffett and Bill Gates giving much of their fortunes to charity in an attempt to kick-start the economy. 
These are wonderful changes that our front runners of economic developments are starting, hopefully setting an example for others in our top 10% to share the wealth, and I, in no way, want to minimize their efforts.  They are truly the ones who can have an impact and can save America, however, I would like to offer a “thank you” to the lesser known helpers of humanity.
Here in my hometown there is a very small organization who, even in this dire time for many Americans, maintains a FREE store.  Everything they offer is free.   It is a small store that has clothes, dishes, curtains, shoes, baby things, some food items, and other miscellaneous items.  There is a bulletin board where people can post items they need and items they can spare at no charge so that the goods of society are available to those who need them.
All of the workers in this shop are volunteers, many church people, but some just willing to help because they have the commodity of time to offer.  More than 100 families a week visit the store to get items they need. They travel in from several surrounding counties seeking help of items, prayer, or even counseling.  
Running any business takes money, so how do how do they offer free everything?  Through donations of others who want to help.  What may not seem like much to one may mean the world to another and by putting it all together it becomes a miracle for those in need. 
In today’s world you may not feel as though you have anything to offer, trust me I was in the same boat, but every little bit truly does count when it is for a good cause.  People helping others in this time, or any time, is a “glee” in my book and I want to thank everyone for helping groups, like the one that runs Heaven’s Closet, carry on against the odds.

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