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Monday, August 23, 2010


Love hurts...

It has been a long time since I posted. Some of the reason was bc I endured many peeves as of late. The other reason is simply that I have been busy. However, during this  hiatus I changed my career, address, and relationship status.

The relationship status is what sparked me to post here again. As many well know I am now divorced,which means I have reentered the dating scene. It is no longer as it was 20 years ago when I got married. Now it's a bitter untrusting cyberworld.

So here are just a couple of things I found in determining if a man is a player:
1. If he in anyway "loves" you before you meet or very early on. Examples of how he does this are "accidentally" slipping and saying love then switching to like in a phrase about you or saying "I could love you". The best is just outright saying, "I love you" especially via text even though you haven't even met or maybe talked on the phone. It's ridiculous that they believe you are that stupid.
2. He has more than 1 or 2 female friends he regularly hangs out with, aka movie nights or sports events, or bar nights. These "friends" are even more likely to be more if he says they have never slept together or if he always goes with them without you. If his female friend is truly just that he will feel no need to hide if they had a past because it's past and she will be fine with all 3 of you going to a club or dinner and probably has her own someone to bring.
3. He calls you "baby" all the time. This maybe used as a term of endearment if used in moderation but overkill can be him covering his rear as to not slip and make a name mistake.
4. He very specifically details his whereabouts on nights he's not with you yet is defensive when you ask a simple question. Example would be he told you he went to his guy friend's to watch football and got $15 in gas on the way; they had pizza from Pizza Hut and he decided to pick up deodorant at Wal-mart on the way home because he was out in his locker at work. Then when you ask something simple like, "Did your brother go with you?" or "Did you see (intert mutual friend who works at Wal-mart)?" he blows up with how he doesn't have to tell you everything or he doesn't have time to pay attention or chat at the store.

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